Ducasse sur Seine by Interware, Paris | Tai Ping


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Ducasse sur Seine by Interware, Paris


Interior Design:

Interware for all daytime images, Franck Fanjo for nighttime picture

This refined floating restaurant boat offers front-seat views of Paris as well as a gourmet meal from the world’s most Michelin-starred living chef, Alain Ducasse. The boat itself is a feat of engineering and design, referencing Classical and Baroque architecture while prioritizing energy efficiency—it’s 100% electric, so it’s silent and clean.

Designers Maurizio Galante and Tal Lancman designed sleek interiors that bring the exterior inside, creating an atmosphere at one with its urban aquatic surroundings. In keeping with the theme, Galante and Lancman dreamed up a custom Tai Ping textile that features a map of Paris, complete with the blue curve of the Seine. The piece was made as a wall-to-wall carpet in Axminster by Tai Ping artisans.